Join a community of passionate individuals committed to the common goals of excavation safety and damage prevention.
Individual Members
Company Members
ACTS Town Halls
Monthly ACTS Town Halls
ACTS Town Halls are changing excavation safety one multi-industry discussion at a time. New topics and panel members monthly.

Downloadable Resources
ACTS members are sent exclusive downloadable resources created in collaboration with industry experts.

Exclusive Member Newsletter
Industry news, downloadable resources, extended Town Hall discussions, and more, sent directly to your inbox monthly.

We believe a focus on safe excavation education and initiatives helps prevent damage to buried facilities. Focusing on safe excavation spotlights the importance of safety for the people doing the digging and is the top priority of both damage prevention and safe excavation efforts. ACTS was created to give a voice to all stakeholders, provide education, and be a place where solutions to industry problems can be shared. You can join the movement and support excavation safety and damage prevention by becoming an ACTS member. Individuals can join for FREE because we believe every stakeholder can make a difference. Organizations can also become members and support the ACTS mission of saving lives through education and collaboration.
Company Membership
Your annual $2,000 membership will help make all the individual membership benefits possible, and make it clear to the industry that you support damage prevention and excavation safety. In addition, your company will receive:
- A 10% discount on exhibiting or attending the Global Damage Prevention Summit, excluding the early bird $811 offer (unlimited use) - Contact for your discount code prior to registering
- Company logo and link on the ACTS member page
- Company logo on the ACTS member section in the annual Excavation Safety Guide
- Company logo on the ACTS member section in the Global 811 Magazine
- Company logo will be displayed in the ACTS Member monthly newsletters
- Company logo will be displayed in the monthly ACTS Town Hall opening video
Individual Membership
As an individual member you will be joining over 2,200+ stakeholders who are committed to making excavation safe for everyone. You will also receive:
- Monthly member e-newsletter
- The ability to have a voice in all ACTS Town Halls
- Free access to special “members only” events
- Access to safety checklists and solutions downloads
- Global 811 Magazine subscription