Nominate a Damage Prevention Hero
Do you know someone who consistently goes above and beyond in the pursuit of limiting damages and saving lives? We want to hear from you! Send an email to Whitney Price at with the nominee's name and a few of the reasons that you're nominating them to be a dp-Hero in 2024.
The 2024 Winner will be announced at the Global Damage Prevention Summit during the Safety Shindig on Wednesday night.
Polls will open as we get closer to the event - keep your eyes peeled!
Congratulations to Karin Strub, Your 2023 dp-Hero of the Year!
Karin's dedication to saving lives through education has undoubtedly been felt by everyone attending the Global Excavation Safety Conference. Her energy, knowledge, and unrelenting drive have contributed more to the damage prevention industry than could ever be surmised here. Her superpower, however, was and remains her ability to build and maintain lasting relationships. A walking rolodex, she's as likely to remember a Sales Rep's last name as she is their partner's name, their children's ages, or their favorite dessert. If you've witnessed her recall in person you know how truly magical it is. Congratulations, Karin! Thank you for your near-decade of work connecting with people for a safer (and more friendly) world for all of us.

Winner Announced at Global ESC 2024
For the first time in its 20 year history, the Global Excavation Safety Conference is coming to New Orleans! Registration is now open for the damage prevention's great get-together.

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