SAFE: Does not present a potential hazard for people or wildlife using the ROW, minimising liability risk.
DURABILITY: Performs in temperatures ranging from -40° to +150°F for a minimum of 10 years.
FADE RESISTANT: Message remains legible and post does not fade significantly for a minimum of 10 years.
FRONT/REAR IMPACTS: Post and message are able to withstand vehicle impact front and back.
SIDE IMPACTS: Post and message are able to withstand vehicle side impact.

CATTLE/WILDLIFE RESISTANT: Ability to withstand contact with animals.
GREEN: Post is recyclable and made from environmentally stable components.
MAINTENANCE: Post is easy to keep current and legible.
CONVERTIBLE: Messaging easily updated with new names and emergency contact numbers.
EASE OF INSTALLATION: Easy to install in any type of soil.
VERSATILE: Ability to include terminals, color code to identify different facilities or extend height up to 12 feet.
