Effective January 1, 2025, all excavators and demolishers now can select a LARGE PROJECT EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION TICKET when entering tickets online. Note that this is a voluntary offering and not mandated by law.
A Large Project is work that cannot reasonably be completed within 20 calendar days (30 days for agriculture, forestry, or marine projects) and must be submitted at least 10 business days PRIOR to the actual work start-by date. These tickets are valid for 90 calendar days and an excavator/demolisher can include any subcontractors working on the project.
The mark-date and time are to be determined by MUTUAL AGREEMENT between the excavator/demolisher and the underground utility/facility operators; therefore, no excavation/demolition should commence until a meeting has taken place between both parties. As a result, a LARGE PROJECT EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITON TICKET WILL NOT HAVE A MARK-BY DATE/TIME ON THE TICKET.
It will be the responsibility of the underground utility/facility operator to contact the excavator/demolisher to set up the meeting time and location. If ALL parties cannot agree on the marking schedule, the Large Project designation will no longer be valid, and it will be incumbent upon the excavator/demolisher to re-enter a routine two-full business day ticket.
When an excavator/demolisher enters a ticket online, the following message will be displayed informing them of what to expect next:
Ticket XXXXXXXXX has been released to the affected utilities. The Large Project ticket is valid for 90 calendar days. The mark-date and time are to be determined by mutual agreement between you (the excavator/demolisher) and the underground utility/facility operators; therefore, no excavation/demolisher should commence until a meeting has taken place between both parties. It will be the underground utility/facility operator’s responsibility to contact you to set up the meeting time and location. Note that if ALL parties cannot agree on the marking schedule, the Large Project designation will no longer be valid, and it will be incumbent on you to re-enter a routine two-full business day ticket. Refer to the LA811 website for frequently asked questions regarding the Large Project process by clicking here: https://louisiana811.com/ resource-center/.
Please check your email for a copy of the ticket and the list of notified utilities and be aware that any private lines or utilities not listed are your responsibility to contact before excavation or demolition. Make sure all information is correct, and all utilities have responded before beginning your work. If changes are needed, please update the ticket to ensure the dig site(s) are properly covered.
When a Louisiana 811 member receives the ticket, the following message will be displayed informing them of their responsibilities:
Ticket XXXXXXXXX has been released to the affected utilities. The Large Project ticket is valid for 90 calendar days. The mark-date and time are to be determined by mutual agreement between the excavator/ demolisher and you, the underground utility/facility operators; therefore, no excavation/demolition should commence until a meeting has taken place between both parties. It will be your (the underground utility/facility operator) responsibility to contact the excavator/ demolisher to set up the meeting time and location. Note that if ALL parties cannot agree on the marking schedule, the Large Project designation will no longer be valid, and it will be incumbent upon the excavator/demolisher to re-enter a routine two-full business day ticket.
LARGE PROJECT Response codes are: Code 1: Clear/No Conflict in Area of Excavation
Code 7: Unable to reach mutual agreement - ticket has been deferred back to routine process per state law. (Mutual agreement not reached)
Code 8: In progress - mutual agreement has been initiated. (Agreement process initiated)
Code 9: Mutual agreement process confirmed - markings will occur per the mutual agreement process. (Mutual agreement confirmed)
As an added valuable resource for all our stakeholders, refer to the LA811 website for a more comprehensive outline of how this process works and for frequently asked questions regarding the LARGE PROJECT EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION TICKET by clicking here: https://louisiana811.com/resource-center/. Also available by clicking this link, is a Large Project Ticket Flow Chart and ACT No. 75 outlining this amendment to the LA Underground Utilities & Facilities Damage Prevention Law (Title 40. Section R.S. 1749.11 to 1749.27).
Louisiana 811 is already working closely with the Dig Law Advisory Committee to make some slight modifications to the Dig Law regarding this legislation. Things under consideration are making the requirement that the area of work must be contiguous (touching), strengthening the language that if any of the members on a given ticket disagree with the marking agreement and the ticket will become null and void.