From The Desk of Brent Saltzman

As we enter 2025, several new initiatives have either been implemented or will be implemented very soon. In January, our latest legislative amendment took effect with our Large Project Excavation or Demotion ticket. Shortly after this, we rolled out our Dynamic Start Time offering. And by the end of the first quarter, our hope is to make available a Pre-Design ticket. All these new tools only help make our program better and help with our damage prevention efforts. I highly recommend you check out information regarding each of these initiatives in this issue of the magazine.

In late January, we conducted our annual Damage Prevention Summit, and it was a resounding success! This was the first year this event was held in Lafayette and we had over 300 attendees who heard about the aforementioned change to our dig law, the latest from ConnectLA (broadband work), what a successful utility coordination council looks like, excavator awareness of the differences in surrounding state’s dig laws, and so much more. We concluded the Summit by conducting the annual Locate Rodeo at SLEMCO where locators from around the state competed for a $1,000 grand prize! I cannot stress enough the importance of attending functions like this where participants can learn AND have fun.

Plans are already underway for the Digger’s Night Out Programs around the state. The Lafayette area program will be held Thursday, April 17 at River Oaks Catering & Event Center, and the Northshore program will be held Wednesday, September 3 at the Castine Center in Mandeville, and the Lake Charles program will be held October 16 at the West Cal Arena in Sulphur. These educational dinner programs for excavators are held throughout the year in various locations. Check out our Events Calendar ( to find out how to register and get involved. Did I mention that door prizes galore and meals are served at these events? Don’t miss out!

In closing, are you in need of someone to provide a safe digging presentation? If so, feel free to reach out to one of our awesome damage prevention professionals to schedule a meeting. There is no fee involved, and we are happy to provide this service to all our stakeholders. Either call 8-1-1 or go to our website for contact information.

Until next time, be safe and God bless!

Brent Saltzman, Executive Director, Louisiana 811

Brent Saltzman, Executive Director, Louisiana 811


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